About me

My name is Skye Sweeney and I am a self described geek. I am an engineer by day and play with various hobbies at night. These include but are not limited to:

  • LEGO Robots (FIRST LEGO League or FLL)
  • Electronics
  • Woodworking
  • Programming
  • Stop action animation (using LEGO)

Current projects I am or have worked on:

  • A robotic DVD burner used to backup my Linux file server. (Mostly complete 2010)
  • A lightning detector to shutoff my computers as a storm approaches. (In progress. 2011)
  • A sailboat race start timer (Hung up on a problem. 2010)
  • A whole house energy monitoring system (In planning. 2011)

My policy towards comments is as follows. All comments will be posted unless they are in bad taste (language, hateful, …) or a self promoting zero value post (“Great post! Long signature with website address).


I can be reached by email at Skye at FLL-Freak dot com.

8 Responses to About me

  1. Phillip Cheng says:

    Hi Skye,
    Just a few corrections
    …Woodworking, Programming…
    …bad taste (language,
    hateful or a self promoting…

    Great website. G’luck!

  2. keith t says:

    great site- very cool projects.
    i found your site while searching for info re: ADE7763. i am hoping to start monitoring my home this year. how did your design finalize? are you collecting data???

    • Skye Sweeney says:

      I have not finalized the project. I started trying to lay out the board in Eagle and got lost. Then work started to ramp up, then things happened at home, and before I knew it, I was in Siberia shaving a yak.

      I did have a prototype system running on one branch circuit in the house. It matched the data provided by a Kill-A-Watt almost perfectly. So I think the concept is sound. I just need some time and the cash to buy all the sensors I need.

  3. Hi Skye,

    I have laid out an ADE7763 breakout in Eagle and it is available here – https://oshpark.com/shared_projects/AfPQvsSs .

    I would like any comments or feedback you may have on it. It is untested and based directly off the datasheets for calibration circuit.



  4. Namrata says:

    Great post. how many projects run without finding any errors ?

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